Download SystemRescueCd 11.03 Latest Update

Free Systemrescuecd’s latest version of Windows autonomous version of offline. Id Is Based on Linux and Is Availlable As a Bootable CD/DVD-ROM-ROM or USB STICK FOR The Administration and Recovery System and Data After A Crash.

Contains Tools for Working with Hard Disks: A Breakdown Into Sections, Diagnosis, Preservation, and Restoration Parts. Knows how to install Windows NTFS for reading and writing. It also contains tool network, network services, search tools, rootkits and antivirals. Can download it from CD-ROM, USB disk or network via PXE.

Systemrescuecd are a number of Linux apps such as system tools (divorced, part image, stools, etc.) and essential tools (editors, Midnight Commander, network tools). Can use a boot disk on servers, Linux and desktops with Linux or Windows. The nucleus supports basic file systems (EXT2/EXT3/EXT4, Reiserfs, Reiser4, BTRFS, XFS, JFS, VFAT, NTFS, ISO9660), as well as network file system (SAMBA and NFS)


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